
Create-Your-Own Foam Mishloach Manot

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Create-Your-Own Foam Mishloach Manot! Make-your-own Purim Mishloach Manot box, shaped like a Hamantash! Size about 10" x 3". Decorate with Acrylic Paint, Markers, Tulip Paint and Stickers (decoration materials not included). Click here to see our huge selection of Decoration Materials!  Colors of item may be different.

The mitzvah of giving mishloach manot is spelled out in the Book of Esther, which enjoins the Jewish people to observe the days of Purim "as days of feasting and gladness, and sending portions of food to one another, and gifts to the poor" (9:22). This verse refers to three different mitzvot: eating a Purim meal, the sending of two different, ready-to-eat foods and/or drinks to one friend (known by the Hebrew term, mishloach manot), and the distribution of two charitable donations (either money or food) to two poor people. In actual practice, many individuals fulfil the first mitzvah themselves (by sending food gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives, etc.), and the second mitzvah by contributing to charitable organisations which distribute money or food to the poor on Purim day. Poor people are also required to give mishloach manot. One who cannot afford to buy food for his friend may exchange his own food with that of his friend — this fulfills both their obligations. This mitzvah may not be fulfilled by giving items other than food. Money or other material items cannot suffice. Only food gifts fulfill this mitzvah.

Include these in goody bags and use them as party favors.

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